Liz Christensen has been writing poetry since she was a teenager. She completed a Bachelor of Theatre at James Cook University and dabbled in scriptwriting but mostly chased the Acting dream. She got involved in JUTE Theatre Company as an Actor and a Director and was encouraged to try playwriting as well. She has taken part in JUTE Theatre’s Enter Stage Wright program since 2012. She received a week of development with JUTE in 2013 as part of their “New Works Development Series #4” where she worked with a Director, Actors and Dramaturg, Peter Matheson, including a show and tell at the end of the week. She could not believe how much the play had moved in a short space of time. As a new Mum she has found writing to be the best outlet for her creative energy. She is so excited to work with THAT Production Company on The Threesome on another development series and hopes to gain a fresh perspective of the work. 


Charleen Marsters, Hannah Gates, Patrick Dwyer and Eamonn Clohesy


Timothy Wynn - Director and Designer

Cassandra Ramsay - Creative Producer